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/ Mac Format 1997 October / MacFormat CD Edition MF55 (October 1997).iso / pc

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Name# Files   Name# Files   Name# Files
ateLuminance.¹8k.µci.pres¡1   ateLuminance.c8k.µci.pres¡-ú…­e1   ing MacWebCameegesForm0.s®'¬®-1
lieldupdate 1.0-updathen!®,!@®,1   lieldupdate 1.0-updathen!®,#Õ®,1

Text (2)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
About SoftwareFPUentationdateon­¢Í_­¢Ï= Text File 13,317 4MB 1997-01-01
ca2w LT 1.2.2artup sound ¬¹a®O" Text File 1 2b 1997-01-01

Other Files (230)
3.0.sv Äse1.3.2n-1)rm0.s«‹^L«‹` All Null Bytes 35b 1997-01-01
Menu 1.5 is!ME First!a e®4¢®4¢ All Null Bytes 1b 1997-01-01
.giffml"Read me!"100lease®++H®++W All Null Bytes 1b 1997-01-01
.pcttntss 8Mbbshopª Demof®L¿¿¬w{ All Null Bytes 21b 1997-01-01
.pcttntss 8Mbbshopª Demof®L¿¿¬w{{ All Null Bytes 67b 1997-01-01
.pcttntss 8Mbbshopª Demof®L¿À¬w{Ö All Null Bytes 5b 1997-01-01
.pcttntss 8Mbbshopª Demof®L¿Â¬w}D All Null Bytes 35b 1997-01-01
.pcttntss 8Mbbshopª Demof®L¿Á¬w|, All Null Bytes 51b 1997-01-01
.txtpersead Metp 1.1..sit­Óù­Óü All Null Bytes 51b 1997-01-01
1.honsoleHeight.c Drivere£¤7«ì0S All Null Bytes 6b 1997-01-01
alVolumes XFCN 2.5.5on0.s®ZøÖ®[‘ All Null Bytes 1b 1997-01-01
anpleasees! ow !up sound ®m·¤®m·¨ All Null Bytes 33b 1997-01-01
ar Motion Demo Folderrder©1d«ÉÎ� All Null Bytes 1b 1997-01-01
ard2 LT 1.2.2artup sound ®Z&ò®Z&ü All Null Bytes 37b 1997-01-01
as about Airport Simulato®,ìk®,ìk All Null Bytes 9b 1997-01-01
Backgroundarblestaller Me¬B‹S¬B¢¡ All Null Bytes 57b 1997-01-01
board XFCN 2.51N 2.5on0.s®Zøá®[| All Null Bytes 1b 1997-01-01
butor_in_Japan_KeyPad0bod­T ¾­U ¡ All Null Bytes 29b 1997-01-01
butor_in_Japan_KeyPad0bod­T í­‘õ‘ All Null Bytes 23b 1997-01-01
cessor XFCN®Zú®[· All Null Bytes 1b 1997-01-01
ckDraw XFCN®Zùû®[Ë All Null Bytes 1b 1997-01-01
Cliphpassmntislstaller Me®3_®3a All Null Bytes 59b 1997-01-01
ctable XFCN 3.05lrsion0.s®Y™‘®Y™” All Null Bytes 1b 1997-01-01
ctive ColorxExpert V.2 De¤âœ:¤ûÖä All Null Bytes 1b 2014-10-18
e you ingrateful heathen!­ÿ,Å­ÿ,Å All Null Bytes 1b 1997-01-01
eam woesead Metp 1.1..sit­Òî,­Òî- All Null Bytes 21b 1997-01-01
echBusy XFCN®Zùz®[ All Null Bytes 1b 1997-01-01
echMgr XFCN®Zùï®[) All Null Bytes 1b 1997-01-01
eExists XFCN 1.5lrsion0.s®Zù®[ All Null Bytes 1b 1997-01-01
eK XFCN 2.5N 1.5lrsion0.s®Zù ®[' All Null Bytes 1b 1997-01-01
eManager XFCN 2.50.5on0.s®Zù)®[v All Null Bytes 1b 1997-01-01
erade (Fat)lSystem Please­—䊭ûOë All Null Bytes 1b 1997-01-01
erardt7 Picturers1.0b6.si­äèU­äèU All Null Bytes 1b 1997-01-01
eris onto your hard diskd®W3Ç®W3Ç All Null Bytes 1b 2012-11-30
erManager XFCN 2.5.5on0.s®Zú®[¤ All Null Bytes 1b 1997-01-01
erText XCMD 1.1N 2.5on0.s®Zøî®[S All Null Bytes 1b 1997-01-01
EX.fmte.ceckContrastnance¦e7�¦wåÍ All Null Bytes 17b 1997-01-01
Form, September 1996order­ñ¢C®&K� All Null Bytes 1b 1997-01-01
hnical Dococ‚Äcreen patch¬ã5¤®,2e All Null Bytes 4b 2003-01-21
ias XCMD 1.5N 2.50.5on0.s®Zùm®[‰ All Null Bytes 1b 1997-01-01
ility Thinker's Creededer©Ó~©ð& All Null Bytes 1b 1997-01-01
iptMgr XFCN®Zù�®[ð All Null Bytes 1b 1997-01-01
l.SpecificspgsModessfeen!®PM®<¢Ÿ All Null Bytes 65b 1997-01-01
leTalk XFCN 2.5mlrsion0.s®ZøP®[¤ All Null Bytes 1b 1997-01-01
LExt XFCN 2.5.5mlrsion0.s®Zø~®[í All Null Bytes 1b 1997-01-01
MBackgroundturers1.0b6.si®pCîpCÅ All Null Bytes 53b 1997-01-01
Mgr XFCN 2.55.5mlrsion0.s®Zøa®[Ë All Null Bytes 1b 1997-01-01
msradrnsons2ª 1r!!dme!sit­<V3®WÞ^ All Null Bytes 71b 1997-01-01
nd XFCN 2.5®Zùˆ®[ All Null Bytes 1b 1997-01-01
ndardFile XFCN 2.5.5on0.s®ZùÞ®[; All Null Bytes 1b 1997-01-01
ndardNBP XFCN 2.55.5on0.s®Zù»®[N All Null Bytes 1b 1997-01-01
nlock Äee Checker 1.1.1IF®4Áz®4Á  All Null Bytes 1b 1997-01-01
nMgr XFCN 2.5.5mlrsion0.s®Zøq®[¸ All Null Bytes 1b 1997-01-01
nX Goodies! ow !up sound ®OÇÿ®OÈ All Null Bytes 1b 1997-01-01
osh Names V1.0Libssderset§yTÄ®[2O All Null Bytes 75b 1997-01-01
rger 2.0ormodriodwt.3?en!®aû³®båb All Null Bytes 1b 2014-10-18
rrd2 LT 1.2.2artup sound ®GAô®GAù All Null Bytes 1b 1997-01-01
rtupDrive XFCN 1.0.5on0.s®ZùÈ®[c All Null Bytes 1b 1997-01-01
s Model"Read me!"100lease«¸TR®`¹Ý All Null Bytes 63b 1997-01-01
s Model"Read me!"100lease©”)0®A) All Null Bytes 1b 1997-01-01
scrctntss 8Mbbshopª Demof®L¿½¬wzÊ All Null Bytes 1b 1997-01-01
se Smart Joinhsit Äteeen!¬ŒQŒ¬²ÃÇ All Null Bytes 33b 1997-01-01
sertFilteroc‚Äcreen patch«¯Ž½­_>T All Null Bytes 4b 1997-01-01
StartdsficspgsModessfeen!­Æ\­ö { All Null Bytes 43b 1997-01-01
taltVersion XFCN 2.5on0.s®Zøý®[< All Null Bytes 1b 1997-01-01
tCreateDate 2.5mlrsion0.s®Zø¼®[< All Null Bytes 1b 1997-01-01
tionMgr XFCN 2.5lrsion0.s®ZøÊ®[ÿ All Null Bytes 1b 1997-01-01
tModDate 1.52.5mlrsion0.s®Zø°®[R All Null Bytes 1b 1997-01-01
tStationery 2.5mlrsion0.s®Zø›®[~ All Null Bytes 1b 1997-01-01
tType 3.0ry 2.5mlrsion0.s®Zø‰®[’ All Null Bytes 1b 1997-01-01
Version XFCN®Zù¬®[ß All Null Bytes 1b 1997-01-01
Wrapscreen4turers1.0b6.si®p?®®p?° All Null Bytes 49b 1997-01-01
x Fader Readmepert V.2 De¨òS ­t±ï All Null Bytes 4b 1997-01-01
zer 1.6 1.6n me!)t!oyage.¬9T´­þß All Null Bytes 1b 2014-10-18
4.0 [Default] Ä)egifeen!­É¨®\®c Unknown 496KB 1997-01-01
converter 5.0EAD MEDemofªí�<¬žäM Unknown 496KB 1997-01-01
Copland Styleyleolderset­5c·­?Ï Unknown 496KB 1997-01-01
County Blimpslstaller Me©Ÿ×b©Ÿ×| Unknown 496KB 1997-01-01
Documentation Ä)egifeen!®^Ю^Ð Unknown 496KB 1997-01-01
File Iconsructions55bsit®Máa®N« Unknown 14b 1997-01-01
Name ProviderD-ROMme!sit­­…r¶ Unknown 496KB 1997-01-01
speak greek 1es heathen!®N6|®N6| Unknown 496KB 1997-01-01
speak greek 2es heathen!®N6|®N6| Unknown 496KB 1997-01-01
speak greek 3es heathen!®N6|®N6| Unknown 496KB 1997-01-01
Tennis Soundar)yolderset­7 ®‚? Unknown 926KB 1997-01-01
User's ManualD-ROMme!sit®E?v®E^. Unknown 496KB 1997-01-01
World v1.98are Productsd®Lî®Lù Unknown 926KB 1997-01-01
_Sample(PPC).csrc.ccsrcMe­¦Ëù®¡3 Unknown 496KB 1997-01-01
_Sample(PPC).csrcerttmlMe­¦Ëù® œ Unknown 496KB 1997-01-01
.pcttntss 8Mbbshopª Demof®L¿Ã¬w}~ Unknown 54b 1997-01-01
.pcttntss 8Mbbshopª Demof®L¿Á¬w|¸ Unknown 70b 1997-01-01
¨ Screen Saver˜ Unknown 4b 1997-01-01
0 drop shadoweegesForm0.s®.8V®.8W Unknown 926KB 1997-01-01
0 drop shadowmagesForm0.s®.8“®.YÒ Unknown 926KB 1997-01-01
0 glass frameeegesForm0.s®.6;®.6< Unknown 926KB 1997-01-01
0 purple frameegesForm0.s®.8ô®.8õ Unknown 496KB 1997-01-01
201Icon LibraryIductsn.si¬4“û¬4” Unknown 30b 1997-01-01
a-Dole Read Metp 1.1..sit®6éé®7‹q Unknown 1b 1997-01-01
acker for Macnd Codeh?ge.®µ�®µ“ Unknown 926KB 1997-01-01
ackground_256nge_256d.srd­±Ñ;­þ>Ê Unknown 926KB 1997-01-01
ain Menu pictrers1.0b6.si­äèS­äèT Unknown 926KB 1997-01-01
aph_demo_bss.smS - ed.srd¬çÙ­è« Unknown 1b 1997-01-01
arentfile.gififgr.gifeen!­¶¨m­¶¨m Unknown 926KB 1997-01-01
aunch II 2.0.1yoductsnmofªmq,ªmq… Unknown 496KB 1997-01-01
aunch II Docs1yoductsnmofªSapªSaœ Unknown 926KB 1997-01-01
beach-ball.giformnstructionsen!­¥†® Unknown 3MB 1980-04-16
butor_in_Japan_KeyPad0bod­„ÛË­�I7 Unknown 496KB 1997-01-01
Button Sample(PPC)csrclerttmlMe­ÁA$®¥N Unknown 193KB 1997-01-01
Cave Demo 16Mbshopª Demof®mŠ ®nãÄ Unknown 496KB 1997-01-01
Cave Demo 8Mbbshopª Demof®mŠ¢®mŠó Unknown 926KB 1997-01-01
che Demo Helpme!)t!oyage.­”\X­”\a Unknown 926KB 1997-01-01
cheª 1.61 Demoon)t!oyage.§ï•¸®@ø~ Unknown 1b 1997-01-01
Compound Pathssit Äteeen!¬!̬¬²Åa Unknown 496KB 1997-01-01
criptMode.tclcllr.gifeen!«˜î®8Ç£ Unknown 926KB 1997-01-01
CTIONS & INFO's Creededer®Š"®Š1 Unknown 1b 2019-02-09
Default Trackck Trackhen!®N6„®N6„ Unknown 926KB 1997-01-01
deoDrivers.68kµtrastnance«›D®|‹ Unknown 496KB 1997-01-01
dieval Periodriodwt.3?en!®E®V6� Unknown 1b 1997-01-01
Disk WizardD Indexntsnsleronion«†�ƒ«‡cú Unknown 123KB 1997-01-01
Disk WizardD Indexntsnsleronion«‡cÁ¬ô¥t Unknown 1MB 1997-01-01
dSaveGWorld.c.c.c Drivere¬sƬ3ÏÛ Unknown 926KB 1997-01-01
e first Marine.1em Please® Ö·®&Ї Unknown 1b 1997-01-01
e II Installertions55bsit®LúÌ®N¦õ Unknown 1b 1997-01-01
e-windows.tcl.tcl.gifeen!©¢j}®8Ç° Unknown 926KB 1997-01-01
eDateString.cs.cs Drivere¨º¨L¬<Ÿ Unknown 926KB 1997-01-01
eFont.ChinesemeKeyPad0bod­N΄¯Bˆe Unknown 926KB 1997-01-01
eFont.templetmeKeyPad0bod­L€µ¯BŠ= Unknown 926KB 1997-01-01
el de Atlantislstaller MeªÞ¹äªÞ¹é Unknown 496KB 1997-01-01
emo Data.rsrccpc).ccsrcMe­Ë­ð’ñ Unknown 926KB 1997-01-01
ent Animationelstaller Me¬B.–¬B.§ Unknown 1b 1997-01-01
enthandler.gifoadingfeen!®2¥®2¥ Unknown 496KB 1997-01-01
eplace522_68kta]a]n patch®N!{®N#� Unknown 926KB 1997-01-01
eryoneButMe.cs.cs Drivere¤¬¥½¬’É Unknown 926KB 1997-01-01
fContents.html.gifngfeen!®2Šî®;�› Unknown 496KB 1997-01-01
ffect Sample.cpc).ccsrcMe­¦Ëù® � Unknown 1b 1997-01-01
formInit v1.1dMe" first!)®o}®r Unknown 1b 1997-01-01
gistryLib.dochics Drivere¬è•Ò¬è¹8 Unknown 926KB 1997-01-01
icAlias HelpgsModessfeen!­Ô'®+¾ Unknown 42b 1997-01-01
Icon Filesª Icon Collectionion®Óv®Õã Unknown 180KB 1997-01-01
Icon FFsª 1.0b4ead-Me0.50 Formi®pÔ®pÕ Unknown 11MB 1997-01-01
Icon kWrap READ MEveisk 2-20ion¬ø²Å¬úÙS Unknown 311KB 1997-01-01
Icon nformInit v1.1Me0.50 Formi® —® ž Unknown 29KB 1997-01-01
Icon Timeª 2.5lease-notes-20ion®n¸®n¹ Unknown 74KB 1997-01-01
imeª.1.archiveisk 1-20ion®À®À Unknown 496KB 1997-01-01
inder - Readmee Products.®KµQ®KÂÃ Unknown 1b 1997-01-01
inder - ReadmelerEForm0.s®KµQ®KÂÃ Unknown 1b 1997-01-01
ing the Oceansnstaller Me«´'·¬GN^ Unknown 926KB 1997-01-01
is 2.7 Read MeteBookd0bod¬6—Æ®<¹v Unknown 496KB 1997-01-01
kupFolder.tcl.tcl.gifeen!©¢j€®8Ç° Unknown 926KB 1997-01-01
l FreePPP2.5v21erEForm0.s®W9®W9! Unknown 1b 1997-01-01
lbert II v1.0 Meductsn.si®Cz®DP Unknown 926KB 1997-01-01
ListSnips.tcl.tcl.gifeen!«‚œ ®8Ç° Unknown 926KB 1997-01-01
lusters 10-12s 6a-45a32se®+ ®0� Unknown 926KB 1997-01-01
lusters 10-12s demo demoe®Ó®0V Unknown 926KB 1997-01-01
lusters 10-15s 6a-45a32se®+æ ®0� Unknown 926KB 1997-01-01
lusters 10-15s demo demoe®ß®0J Unknown 926KB 1997-01-01
lusters 11-16s 6a-45a32se®-gÿ®0} Unknown 926KB 1997-01-01
lusters 11-16s demo demoe®èO®0F Unknown 926KB 1997-01-01
lusters 13-15s 6a-45a32se®+Á–®0‰ Unknown 926KB 1997-01-01
lusters 13-15s demo demoe®Ùi®0S Unknown 926KB 1997-01-01
main-pre builtt hered.srd«`K'«`K' Unknown 1b 1997-01-01
mat 44 Browserers1.0b6.si®wv®w² Unknown 496KB 1997-01-01
Materia v0.1.1MEicVoyage.®0!®CÚµ Unknown 496KB 1997-01-01
md beach.PIQT Forb.City.P­Ø:˜­Ø:› Unknown 926KB 1997-01-01
metricFit.ck3Quick3tnance­®é­¯Œ Unknown 38b 1997-01-01
mpsons ReadMehe Net.0.1 e®+Ï®+Ð Unknown 926KB 1997-01-01
nd Glass Movielstaller Me¬AḬBt! Unknown 496KB 1997-01-01
nfigure <name>o)nds)l)mof«UžŸ«UžŸ Unknown 496KB 1997-01-01
ng_interval.cpcpeyPad0bod¬ø…ä­ *í Unknown 496KB 1997-01-01
No Beez AllowedpsVol 5.searst!)­þ Unknown 102KB 1997-01-01
Nouns Read Mee 1.1b.1b4rd®c#`®c#e Unknown 1b 1997-01-01
ns soundtrackhe Net.0.1 e­÷„­÷‡ Unknown 926KB 1997-01-01
offscreen.def56e_256d.srd¬Øô­ð¤ Unknown 926KB 1997-01-01
ong Movie II*alstaller Meª�D}ª‚=E Unknown 926KB 1997-01-01
ons & answersatin-1)rm0.s­á»f®B ú Unknown 926KB 1997-01-01
oolbox.ppc.pref.ansi.pres®$âþ®$âÿ Unknown 496KB 1997-01-01
oolboxMATLAB.cf.ansi.pres¨¼»¬Vh2 Unknown 1b 1997-01-01
otDrivers.68kontrastnance«û¶®}m Unknown 926KB 1997-01-01
our Keys Here folder.sit!®P¼Q®d¼Å Unknown 1b 1997-01-01
pter Landing*snstaller Meª¹Ï¶ª¹Ïì Unknown 926KB 1997-01-01
r ExpressionssModessfeen!©¢jž­^e Unknown 926KB 1997-01-01
r ExpressionssModessfeen!©¢jž­Úgˆ Unknown 1b 1997-01-01
ration (Other)rica)e..GIF¬‘‰Ü­ª—^ Unknown 328KB 1997-01-01
ref_motif.gifl.gifngfeen!­¶Yg­¶Yg Unknown 926KB 1997-01-01
ret Order Form Rel 8).GIF­º ¸­º ¸ Unknown 496KB 1997-01-01
ribution Infohics Drivere£@£@ Unknown 1b 1997-01-01
riesQuickly.c.c.c Drivere§õâE­a^ý Unknown 926KB 1997-01-01
ringGrating.¹pc.µnsi.pres 0ÍE«óKô Unknown 926KB 1997-01-01
ringGrating.c8k.µnsi.pres¡‰­ÑqG Unknown 926KB 1997-01-01
ron_Spesh_25656e_256d.srd­þHó­þJj Unknown 1b 1997-01-01
rough-Chapterdsmactionion®C¦ð®D×õ Unknown 1b 1997-01-01
roup_motif.gif.gifngfeen!­¶Yg­¶Yg Unknown 496KB 1997-01-01
rowser Readmeslstaller MeªÕ‹¤¬Ò ‘ Unknown 926KB 1997-01-01
rprised 2.PICT Unknown 496KB 1997-01-01
Sample(PPC).csrclerttmlMe­¦Ëù®žp Unknown 926KB 1997-01-01
Size XFCN 1.2 2.50.5on0.s¢¯äS®Z+r Unknown 1b 1997-01-01
stic Challengete 1.1a2a e­Î<9­Î@‹ Unknown 1b 1997-01-01
t Key BindingsModessfeen!©¢j˜­.7` Unknown 496KB 1997-01-01
t-name-lock-255555555bsit®�Æ«®�Æ® Unknown 197KB 1997-01-01
temple 2.PIQTw !QT sound ®6ƒí®6ƒï Unknown 926KB 1997-01-01
TestLuminance.68k.µ66.ck3tnance«J"¬ € Unknown 3MB 1980-07-12
tGraph Quick3Quick3tnance¢Dzj¢Dzk Unknown 926KB 1997-01-01
thms 5.5c Docsrt Simulato®#®#' Unknown 496KB 1997-01-01
thms Texturesfolder!!!5c.ª™ú˜«‰[9 Unknown 1b 1997-01-01
tic Voyage 2.0sticVoyage.®5 Unknown 496KB 1997-01-01
Time Read Me meKeyPad0bod­o�®Jg™ Unknown 1b 1997-01-01
ToPostScript.cr.c Drivere¤9ÿ¬<£X Unknown 496KB 1997-01-01
TT-Volume Fix Formi®J®N?£ Unknown 11MB 1997-01-01
ucci—n r‡pida1o)nds)l)mofª¨}„¬™Êž Unknown 926KB 1997-01-01
urence OlivierowerPC)toryª�4¬¯d‚ Unknown 496KB 1997-01-01
usters 10s-16s demo demoe®%Ä®0= Unknown 496KB 1997-01-01
uzione Rapida1o)nds)l)mof«_ßÚ¬™Ê‘ Unknown 926KB 1997-01-01
v0.1.1 Read MeMEicVoyage.®C®W®Dºn Unknown 1b 1997-01-01
vert Directionath.pdfeen!¬²è�­¾^f Unknown 496KB 1997-01-01
wildered.PICT Unknown 926KB 1997-01-01
Wrap READ MEveisk 2-20ion¬ àH¬,Õ Unknown 46b 1997-01-01
Wrapª Read Meeisk 2-20ionªX±Z¬&¬ Unknown 926KB 1997-01-01
x Fader Readmepert V.2 De­3Ú­t±î Unknown 496KB 1997-01-01
y of the Monkslstaller Me«²ôy«²ô~ Unknown 496KB 1997-01-01
y overl. l2 13es heathen!®N6~®N6~ Unknown 926KB 1997-01-01
y overl. l2 23es heathen!®N6~®N6 Unknown 926KB 1997-01-01
y overl. l2 33es heathen!®N6®N6 Unknown 926KB 1997-01-01
y overl. l2 43es heathen!®N6®N6 Unknown 926KB 1997-01-01
y overl. l2 53es heathen!®N6®N6 Unknown 926KB 1997-01-01
y overl. l3 13es heathen!®N6®N6 Unknown 926KB 1997-01-01
y overl. l3 23es heathen!®N6®N6 Unknown 926KB 1997-01-01
y overl. l3 33es heathen!®N6®N6 Unknown 926KB 1997-01-01
y overl. l3 43es heathen!®N6®N6 Unknown 926KB 1997-01-01
y overl. l3 53es heathen!®N6®N6 Unknown 926KB 1997-01-01
y overl. l3 63es heathen!®N6®N6 Unknown 926KB 1997-01-01